Excellence in Education - TESL and LINC classes since 1991
Excellence in Education – TESL and LINC classes since 1991

Get your CCLCS Diploma and
Professional Accreditation in just 3 months!

Online TESL Program coming soon.
Interested? Contact us for more information.

Private ESL schools in Canada need teachers. Read more.
Thinking of teaching overseas? Now’s a good time. Read more here.

About our TESL Program

Interested in Teaching English as a Second Language (also known as TEFL, TESOL, TEAL, etc.)?

CCLCS offers full and part-time TESL Ontario- and TESL Canada-accredited diplomas at our language school in Toronto.

Courses start throughout the year and we have an excellent reputation in the industry for delivering high-quality, comprehensive programs, all in a relatively short period of time that can fit your schedule. For more information on our TESL diplomas please visit the TESL Diploma section of our website.

Do you want to teach in Canada or overseas? You could be ready for the classroom in as little as 3 months! Check the 2024 schedule.

LINC Program (ESL English Classes)

CCLCS offers free LINC classes for newcomers to Canada in each of our three Toronto language schools (Downtown, North York and Scarborough). LINC is an ESL English program.

For more information on the programs please visit the LINC Classes section of our website.

Are you looking for free French classes? Visit this site for information.
Vous recherchez des services en français? Cliquez ici