It’s a New Dawn at CCLCS!
Ok, that’s a little grandiose, but read on and you’ll get the pun.
As you might know, co-founder and 30-year Director of CCLCS, Dawn Michael, retired a couple of months ago. I’m pleased and proud to say that I have the honour of carrying on the Directorship of the school.
After so many years at CCLCS, in so many different capacities, I’m familiar with the ins and outs of how the school operates. However, I now find myself muddling through the arcane details of budget spreadsheets, government regulations and bank statements. Fortunately, Dawn is always happy to help out on a zoom call, which is certainly a blessing.
And a shout out goes to the staff, who not surprisingly have been patient and helpful.
It’s a New Tim?
I’m also lucky to have Tanya B as the new LINC Coordinator in Scarborough and North York. She has been a teacher and TESL mentor extraordinaire for over 15 years so I know that they are in good hands. While learning the many ropes of LINC Coordinator-ship, Tanya has been immersed in the complicated task of planning a return to in-person learning.
Back to the Classroom?
Yes, you heard that right. LINC classes returned to in-person on April 18th. For now, classes are half days to let everyone get used to the commute and the screening protocols – two very annoying but necessary features of returning to a physical location. Full-time (9:00 – 2:30) will resume 3 weeks later.
Our first in-person TESL class is scheduled for May 30.
Like everywhere else, Covid has been a challenge. The new challenge will be living with it in some semblance of normalcy. We’re taking many precautions to keep everyone safe – HEPA filters, vaccine and mask requirements, physical distancing, extra cleaning etc.
The past 2 years have been a learning experience, to say the least. We adapted, we learned new skills and we succeeded. But we all look forward to seeing familiar and new faces and getting back to the robust community that we enjoy.
So why not call it a new dawn.
Tim Cloutis

Oh, that’s a bad pun, Tim, but good! Congratulations to you, Tanya, Cheryl and all staff, on weathering the challenges of COVID – and the crazy Spring weather – to get to this ‘as safe as possible’ return. I must admit I’m envious of you all seeing each other in person again. Will have to think up some excuses to visit each site – once you have all settled into your new normal routines.
Warm wishes and all the best ,
Thanks for the comment and support Dawn! We look forward to seeing you when you can visit. We miss you! You are always welcome!
We are live!!!!!
Congrats Tim and Tanya!
Congratulations Mr Tim Cloutis on your position as the new director of the school. Stay safe stay well
All the best for the coming year 2023
Thanks Elizabeth! It only took twenty years! Happy new year to you too.