Accredited by TESL Canada and TESL Ontario
Accredited by TESL Canada and TESL Ontario

Check out the FAQs below. Want to know more?

Call the TESL Office at our downtown location: 416 588 3900.

CCLCS offers TESL training through two accredited TESL Diplomas:

  • A 135 hour TESL Diploma accredited by TESL Canada (TESL Canada Standard 1) & TESL Ontario  (CTESOL)
  • A 316 hour TESL Diploma accredited by TESL Canada (TESL Canada Standard 2) and TESL Ontario (OCELT)

Online classes coming soon
Please check back for updates.
If you would like us to contact you when the online option becomes available, please click here to leave your contact information and complete our short feedback survey.

CCLCS is registered as a Private Career College under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) maintains Private Career College Key Performance Indicators (KPI) database. For your information, go to

TESL practicums are offered in-house at CCLCS with our LINC students.

We run full- and part-time courses throughout the year. For a full list of options & details please visit course dates and course fees.

*Please note that all TESL Classes take place at our downtown location.

Questions and Answers

Why come to CCLCS?

Teaching English and training teachers is our business. You will learn from experienced teachers who are specialists in their field.

CCLCS is a leader in TESL/TEFL training, and was one of the first programs to be recognized by TESL Ontario and TESL Canada. Since 1991, we have trained over 3500 teachers who have since gone on to teach across Canada and around the world.

TESL? TEFL? TESOL? CELTA? What’s the difference?

Essentially, there is no difference. All four terms describe teaching the English language. TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) is commonly used to refer to teaching English to people who are living in an English speaking country. TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) refers to teaching people who live in a country where English is not commonly spoken. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) encompasses both TESL and TEFL. In Canada, TESL is the most commonly used term. CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults) is a British-based certificate that is equivalent to TESL Canada.

Why become a certified ESL teacher?

English language instruction is one of the fastest growing industries of the 21st century. Being TESL Canada or TESL Ontario certified means you meet a standard recognized across Canada and abroad. Reputable employers require certification.

Is this a TEFL course? Can I teach overseas with this?

Yes and yes. Many of our graduates teach overseas. The TESL Canada and TESL Ontario diplomas are recognized abroad, and our training will prepare you for teaching in Canada and around the world.

Do I need to take a course to teach English?

In Canada, definitely yes. See “Should I take TESL Canada or TESL Ontario?” below for information on which accreditation you need in Canada.

Overseas, there are still some places where you can go without a diploma or certificate. Those jobs, however, are often low paid and not secure. Most countries prefer trained teachers who have completed a minimum of 100 hours of training. The immigration policies of many countries also require teachers to have an undergraduate degree.

Why is the course so long? I saw a course online that only takes 3 weekends to do!

Our courses are accredited by TESL Canada and TESL Ontario, which require a minimum of 100 and 250 course hours, respectively. The short courses you see advertised are not accredited by any recognized body in Canada. If you are interested in teaching in Canada, either now or in the future, you need to take an accredited course.

Many overseas employers ask for teachers who are considered “trained teachers in their own country.” A TESL Canada or TESL Ontario certificate will enable you to say you have been trained to work in your own country.

Is a CCLCS diploma as good as one I’d get from another institution?

Yes. Our programs have a reputation for quality and we are TESL Canada and TESL Ontario accredited. We are also a registered Private Career College approved by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

Why teach abroad?

  • Gain practical work experience after graduation
  • Prepare yourself for teacher’s college
  • Start a flexible and exciting career
  • Explore different cultures while paying off student debt
  • Use a work or education sabbatical to travel (and teach to pay your way!)
  • Work and travel during retirement
  • Give back to a community

Should I take TESL Canada or TESL Ontario?

The answer depends on where and who you are planning to teach.

TESL Canada is required for:

  • Reputable private language schools in Canada

and is helpful for:

  • Teaching abroad (not every country requires certification, but a certificate will put your resume on the top of the pile!)
  • Teaching in community-based non-settlement programs

TESL Ontario is required for:

  • Teaching in settlement-based programs in Ontario, such as LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada)
  • Teaching in some college and university ESL programs

and is helpful for:

  • The private school,college and university programs that do not require it (again, getting your resume to the top of the pile!)

What do the courses consist of?

  • The TESL Diploma Part 1 (135 hours) TESL Canada Standard 1  accredited program consists of the core classes and a 25 hour practicum. It takes 10 weeks to complete full-time or 24 weeks to complete part- time.
  • The TESL Diploma Part 1 + Part 2 (316 hours) TESL Ontario / TESL Canada Standard 2 accredited program consists of the above Part 1 plus additional core classes, observation hours and a 25 hour practicum. It takes 16 weeks to complete full-time or 45 weeks to complete part-time.

How many classes do I have to take?

  • 135 hour TESL Diploma (TESL Canada Accredited)  students take one full-time or one part-time course. Select the dates that work best for your schedule.
  • 316 hour TESL  Diploma (TESL Ontario and TESL Canada Accredited) students take two full-time or two part-time courses or one full-time and one part-time course.
  • People choose to study full or part-time based on a variety of factors. Below are some examples of the paths students chose.

Example Paths

Student A wants TESL Ontario accreditation, but also needs to find a job quickly. He or she can take the full-time Part One course, find a job, and do Part 2 with either the full-time course or the part-time course. It may take this student more than a year to finish, but he or she will have gained valuable experience.

Student B wants to finish the 316 TESL Diploma course as quickly as possible, then look for a job. He or she can take the Part 1 course, then, pending approval by the instructor and Coordinator, jump right into the full-time Part 2 course. After completing the practicums, this student would be finished within 5-6 months.

Student C is completely new to the ESL field and worries the course will be overwhelming. He or she can take the part-time Part 1 course, and perhaps find some volunteer or tutoring work during the day to gain exposure to the field. This student may choose to continue Part 2 part-time, or complete the full-time course.

What are CCLCS’ policies?

For details on our Accessibility Policy, AODA Customer Service Standard, Code of Conduct, and Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy Protocol, click here